Netflix and School

Netflix and School

If I were to guess one of the most important things of a high schoolers life, I would guess Netflix. I know it sounds crazy, but most teenagers, actually people in general spend a lot of time watching their favorite TV shows and movies on Netflix. It is easily watched on your phone, computer, or ipad, so where ever you are, it is readily available.
I know that when I get extremely bored in school I sometimes watch Netflix on my phone to pass the time, especially during work time. Actually, most students watch their favorite shows on their phones or computers. It makes a boring class period so much better and not make it so you want die of boredom.
There are so many good shows on Netflix, that it is extremely hard to choose one to start with. Starting a new show is always exciting, binge watching seasons at once, but when you get to the last episode of the last season and it finally sinks in that the show is over, it get surprisingly sad. You never want the show to end, because most of them are so good. The ones that I binge watch the most and over again are Greys Anatomy, One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, Private Practice, and Prison Break. I love every single show and have watched them over and over again until I could quote almost everything that happened.
All of this watching probably isn’t ideal, but it’s nice to have a sort of escape from all the havoc in my life. Take a little vacation and relax and watch some Netflix, it will make some of the problems go away, at least for a short period of time. It can become a distraction, a good one.
Netflix can also be the cause of some major procrastination. I know for a fact that I use it as an excuse not do my homework or go to bed. I usually just tell myself only one more episode, but one more episode turns into another and another until it gets to be ten o’clock on a Sunday night and you realize that you have way too much to do in no time. So you choose the most important tasks that needs to be done and complete them, then you kind of say screw the rest and go to sleep, because sleep is a very important thing that you need in life.

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