Spring Break

Spring Break

As of now the majority of people are in the downhill stretch of their remaining few months of school. Spring break is quickly approaching and you and many of your friends may be going somewhere exciting.
Many of the people I know are going somewhere extremely warm and out of the country, which most definitely isn’t fair. At our school a lot of the seniors have a “senior trip” for spring break which is usually to Mexico. This year a bunch of my friends are going together and they get to leave super early, so there is going to be no one in any of my classes. They are going to be all tan when they get and I’m going south to Missouri and then to get see my cousin who just got back from New York, so I will still be extremely pale.
Spring break is the ideal time to relax and rejuvenate and prepare yourself for the last couple of months of school. For seniors that is all they have left, but for the rest of us it will get us to summer where you get another three months before the cycle to start all over again.
According to the website Student City, the top destinations for spring break are: Spring Break Cruise: Inception at Sea, Cancun, Mexico, Nassau, Bahamas, Panama City Beach, Florida, Freeport, Bahamas Party Cruise, South Padre Island, Texas, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Now all of these places are where you can be in the sun all day and have a great time.
I would advise people to do the most they can over the break, because it is the last one you are going to get for a while. I mean there will be days off here and there, but this is the last legit break until the last bell sounds on the last day of school.
It doesn’t seem like a lot of time, but you can surprisingly get a ton of stuff done. If you are going on vacation I would not worry too much about the rest of this, but if you aren’t there are still plenty of things you can do. Shopping is always available as well as hanging out with your friends if they are still in town. You can practice whatever sport you want, weather dependent of course and going on hikes and bike rides is always an option. Start a new book, go to a new place, or meet some new people. They don’t require a bunch of time and can turn out to be pretty exciting and memorable. You never know you could find something that you really love, the only requirement is that you have to try.
Make the most of spring break and have fun wherever you may be. Remember what happens during spring break stays there.

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